Swiss Zucht App

The Breeders' App


Although we try to make the Swiss Zucht App as simple as possible you might still have some questions which we try to answer here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to enter numbers from ear tags or tattoo?

Yes, you can enter all kinds of numbers in the number field. The preferred way is to scan the animal's chip number.

Can I just enter a name?

You can enter name or number but don't have to enter either. You can search using either of them as well.

What chip scanner device can I use with Swiss Zucht?

You can scan a chip by connecting the iPhone, iPad, an Android iPhone or the Chrome/Edge browser of a computer by bluetooth with a chip scanner device (has to be purchased separately).

Swiss Zucht supports the chip scanner device V8BT-18.8.

What happens when I delete an animal?

By default, deleted animals are not visible in the animal list on the app's start page. However, you can change the default filter settings to also have deleted animals displayed. Regardless of that, deleted animals are always retained to be displayed as ascendents or descendents of other, non deleted animals (e.g. in the pedigree).

Will the contained animals be deleted when I delete a litter?

No, in case you don't need these animals any more, you can delete them individually.

We even recommend deleting litters you don't need any more to keep the number of litters in the list low as the predominantly exist to simplify adding new animals.

Can I use Swiss Zucht without an internet connection?

Yes, you can use the app offline. While offline, you can still enter, view and edit your animals. Next time you go online the data you changed will be centrally stored and available on other devices you're using Swiss Zucht with.

More Information

The Swiss Zucht App is developed by the folks at Adwise GmbH. Please visit our company website to contact us if you need more information.